Saturday 20 July 2013

ok so we left off on the 10th July

so as per usual i have been working. been a good week.. well nearly. 

on the 15th i was late cos two buses were supposed to turn up and didn't so i arrived at work late and this then meant that i was late for my shift so they had found someone to fill in for that shift so i was technically available to work somewhere else. i was places at Dudley Do Right's Ripsaw Falls. i had fun but it was hot and those folks can be miserable. i was happy when lunch came though as there was a cute cat waiting by the cafe. apparently they live at Universal on the grounds.

the 16th was amazing because lecturer came to see me in Ollivanders and when i saw him i dropped my character immediately and gave him a hug. all i can say for Martin Metcalfe is thank you for the amazing help you have given me the last 5 years. made my day...literally.

the 17th i was working but the 18th i got to go and see R.I.P.D for a team member preview and i will say right now it is the best film i have seen all year. so funny.

on my day off on the 19th i went to fun spot but it was a huge disappointment. two rides and 4 baby rides and 1 go kart track and some arcade games....wait for it...for....$39.99 plus tax. ouchy. never again.

i worked on the 20th and came home to find my apartment has been broken into...nothing stolen but lock is not working.

now for the rest of the time


3- 9:45


3- 9:30 Olli


3- 9:30 Olli


3- 9:45


8- 6:30 myt change


8- 6:30


3- 9:45


3- 9:45


3- 9:30 Olli

I love having my 3-9 shifts. i get to lie in and im telling you i don't wake up until 11:30 or later.

i still miss family and Olly.

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