Saturday 15 June 2013

Day 1

ok so i arrived safely and my apartment 1-303. it's lovely. here is a photo:
outside lobby

living room

random view





so today we had our AAG orientation. we learnt everything about America that we need to know. bus stops, traffic, safety etc. we then had a Yummy Jobs Orientation which is where we got to know people by playing games, eating pizza and chatting.

I then went into Orlando and the I-drive. I visited Ripley's believe it or not odditoriam, Titanic, the experience and CSI, the experience. i wasn't allowed to take photos of the last two but will upload photos from Ripleys.

shrunken head

prop from edward scissorhands

berlin wall--- ive touched it.

vampire woman

lizard man


john lennon done with a book. his face is the pages of the book just carved down.

then i got lost and got a taxi back home and went to bed.

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